Condor’s Partnership
To deepen our involvement and role in the security industry, Condor Security maintains its membership and/or partnership with:
ASP, Armament Systems and Procedures, have created internationally recognized use of force systems for the use of expandable batons and for handcuffs. They are also a worldwide distributer of law enforcement equipment and supplies.
BOMA Toronto’s goal is to actively and responsibly represent and promote the interests of the commercial real estate industry through effective leadership and advocacy.
The Canadian Security Association is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the interests of its members and the safety and security of all Canadians.
The Canadian Condominium Institute is one of the industry leaders in providing education, awareness, and information to it’s members regarding condominium issues. It is a national, independent, and non-profit organization.
The International Organization for Standardization develops and maintains standards to improve quality and customer satisfaction in various industry sectors.
StaySafe Instructional Programs is a leader in developing training programs for security guards in Ontario. With a focus on effective communications and resistance management, StaySafe IP strives for further standardization and professionalism in the local private security field.
Toronto EMS Safe City, in addition to being the emergency medical services for the city of Toronto, also provides First Aid and CPR training to the public. All training is based on ILCOR recommendations and is regulated by Ontario WSIB.
Verbal Judo Institute is the organization responsible for maintaining the Verbal Judo system of effective and tactical communications developed by the late Dr. George Thompson.
CAI Canada was formed to represent the interests of association board members/ homeowner leaders, community managers, association management firms and other professionals who provide products and services to associations and to highlight the positive impact the communities within our great cities across Canada.