Condor’s focus on the quality of documentation and record-keeping ensures that any disputes are resolved professionally.
Condor Security Inc. offers parking enforcement services on private property in the Greater Toronto Area. Security staff licensed as M.L.E.O.s (Municipal Law Enforcement Officers) are able to issue parking infraction notices for specific offenses such as:
- Parking in a Fire Route
- Parking on Private Property without a Valid Permit
- Parking in a Non-Designated Area on Private Property
- Parking in a Designated Disabled Space without a Valid Disabled Parking Permit
Condor Security Inc. accredited by and operating in tandem with several municipalities offers a suite of parking enforcement services on private properties in and around the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Our authorized private parking enforcement officers designated as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers (M.L.E.O.s) issue parking tickets or tags for violating or breaching specified parking bylaws stipulated by GTA municipalities. So you could receive a ticket from one of our private parking enforcement officers if you park your vehicle on private property in a non-designated spot.
You could also be served a parking tag if you pull up or station your car on private premises without having a legal permit. Our MLEOs also represent our clientele in court to report about parking offenses during the trial, offering graphic and written details. We join forces with our clientele for implementing the parking formalities about their estates and lands and issue tickets to motorists contravening the rules.
We also see to it that private properties and domains of our clientele have ‘no parking’ advertising signs and road signs visible from a distance. Our private parking enforcement officers will proceed to issue parking tickets or haul away vehicles parked illegally only after ensuring the proper display of signage. At Condor Security we time and again ensure that parking on our clientele’s private grounds is simple and safe.
Condor Security’s MLEOs instruct the general public about the rules and regulations relating to private parking. Our municipal law enforcement officers are committed to offering 24/7 service to our clients for guaranteeing smooth traffic movement on private parklands. Simply put our private parking enforcement services facilitate the pulling up and positioning of vehicles on clientele’s premises for a specific period.