
COVID-19 & Our Action Plan

In these times of uncertainty, we wanted to reach out to our community and inform you of the precautions and actions we have taken at Condor Security since the first case of COVID-19 was announced in January.


In January, our contingency plan was put in place, we announced immediate additional security and sanitary measures for our staff and our workplace, these include:

  • We supplied our staff with additional sanitation and hygiene supplies
  • We send out a detailed communication, outlining best practices for clean and safe workplaces
  • We shared information about the coronavirus symptoms and asked staff to notify managers immediately if they experienced any symptoms


  • We continued sharing information with best practices for sanitation and hygiene, reminding them not to shake hands and practice social distancing taken measures to ensure our staff is safe, have informed them to self isolate for 14 days if they have traveled and have given them time off if needed


  • We delivered more hygiene supplies and guidelines on how to use the supplies
  • We put additional preventative measures in place, including social distancing with residents, guests, and restricted handshaking
  • All travel plans had to be disclosed and employees that traveled anywhere outside of Ontario OR those that had any close contact with people who had traveled had to self-quarantine for 14 days before returning to work
  • All hands had to be washed before and at the end of shifts, all work areas had to be consistently wiped down

The health and safety of our staff and community is of utmost importance to us. We want to ensure you, as a critical service provider, as the situation evolves, so do our processes and practices. We will continue to serve our communities, using the safest measures possible.

If you are looking for resources and information, please feel free to visit:

If you have any questions or concerns, we are always here to answer them.

Please stay safe and healthy, together we will win this battle.


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