
Ride to Conquer Cancer 2017 with Ben Tabesh, Condor’s CEO

April 13, 2017 By Condor’s Teanm

Condor Security’s 2nd Ride to Conquer Cancer

Condor Security’s CEO, Benjamin Tabesh, will be joining the 200 kilometer 2017 Ride to Conquer Cancer event!

The ride raises funds which contribute directly to research at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, widely considered one of the most prominent and top 5 cancer research centres in the world.

This year is the ride’s 10th anniversary, and aims to be the biggest and best event thus fa

Ceo Benjamin Tabesh Ride To Conquer Cancerr

How can I support the ride?

You can be part of the ride by registering at http://www.conquercancer.ca/

You can also take part by sponsoring a rider.  To sponsor Ben Tabesh’s fundraising campaign, click this link to visit Ben’s Ride to Conquer Cancer campaign page.

What is the Ride to Conquer Cancer?

Riders bicycle on a 200 kilometer path over a two day period which runs through Ontario’s scenic countryside.  Every rider raises funds which go towards Princess Margaret Cancer Center.  The ride itself promotes cancer awareness and the conviction to finding a cure.

Why should I contribute?

Finding a cure for cancer is a common goal.  The Ride to Conquer Cancer directly supports one of the best research centres on the globe.  It’s easy to get involved!

Condor Security looks forward to another successful fundraising campaign and hopes you will help support the fight to conquer cancer!

Sponsor Ben Tabesh’s campaign here!

Condor Security Ride To Conquer Cancer 2016 Riders


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