
Top 10 Reasons to Have Security at Your Event

If you are planning on arranging a big event, then you will need to be prepared for a worst-case scenario. Unfortunately, potentially serious issues may arise and it is better to be safe than sorry, especially when people’s lives are involved.

Provide Comfort

Evidently, the event should be designed to be a comfortable venue for your guests, as well as a location that will provide your guests with hours of enjoyment.

You Can Never Be Too Careful

Unfortunately, many event planners focus more on the fun aspect of the event than the safety element. Recent mass shootings have shown that one can never be too careful when planning an event. In other words, event safety should supersede fun and games without compromise.

A Top Priority

Due to the aforementioned issues, hiring security should be on the top of your priority list. Here, you will learn about 10 benefits that you can reap by having security at your event.

Prevent Party Crashers

First, when you invite people to your event you want to ensure that uninvited guests do not arrive to crash the party. Unfortunately, keeping track of the guest list can be a daunting task, especially when many guests are involved. Fortunately, having security will ensure that your guest list will be meticulously monitored.

Hassle Free Removals

What’s more, in the unfortunate event that uninvited guests do arrive at your event, your trained security personnel will escort your uninvited intruders off the premises so that you don’t have to do it yourself.

Crowd Control

Another benefit of having security is that, in the event that a disaster was to arise, you won’t have to worry about crowd control. Security guards are well trained in maintaining crowd control in order to prevent chaos. The last thing you want is frightened guests running around causing confusion and bedlam. Your security personnel know where all the exits are and will promptly evacuate your guests.

A Possible Venue Requirement

Moreover, certain venues may actually require that security be on hand. For instance, if alcoholic beverages are being dispensed, then guards will be required by law to be on the premises so that they can handle any fights or other such issues that may arise from patron intoxication.

Outdoor Escorting

Furthermore, if your event is being held late at night, then some of your guests may not feel comfortable walking to their cars alone. As such, your hired security can escort your guests to their cars, so that lurking thieves will be unlikely to try and rob them.

Making Guests Feel Safe

Security guards, as the name implies, are hired to make people feel secure. Even if nothing bad takes place at your event, simply having guards on location will set your guests’ minds at ease, so they can enjoy the event without fear.

Pre-Entry Screenings

Evidently, your security guards will check your guests’ bags at the door to ensure that no one brings guns, knives, or other such items to your event. As an added bonus, having security guards at your event will make your guests feel appreciated. This may help you procure more clients at the event, as a happy client is a loyal one.

Well Prepared Personnel

It goes without saying that when something goes wrong, you want people on the scene that know what to do in a coordinated and quick manner, and security is no exception. In the event that a fire breaks out or an emergency situation arises, your security guards will know what to do to de-escalate the situation.

Minimize Casualties and Chaos

In other words, the guards are trained for extreme situations and will use their extensive training to minimize casualties and reduce commotion. Moreover, once the culprits have been apprehended, the guards will collect all pertinent information and disclose their intel to the local authorities for further investigation.

A Marked Deterrent

Having security on site also means that any would-be criminals will likely be deterred from making a move. That is, simply having guards circulate the premises will drastically reduce the likelihood of a crime taking place.

Divide and Conquer

For instance, you can have half of the guards you’ve hired oversee the parking lot to ensure that your guests’ vehicles are safe, while the other half will look over your guests to ensure that your event takes place without incident.

Ensure the Front Is Secure

As can be seen, there are several reasons to have security at your event, regardless of who is at the event, or the number of guests. It is important to remember to have guards at the entrance of your event as many criminals target the front of an entrance.

Interior and Exterior Surveillance

Having interior and exterior security is also highly recommended, as some criminals or uninvited guests will try to blend into a densely populated crowd to make their move. As such, spread out your security personnel so that they have the best vantage point in the event that something terrible goes down.

Stress-Free Entertainment

In sum, having security at your event can literally be the difference between life and death. Costs and other such issues should not be a priority when both the enjoyment and safety of your guests is involved, and hiring the best personnel for the job will ensure that the ceremonies take place without a hitch.

For more information or to hire your own security services, please call Condor Security at 888-614-5317 or contact us here.


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