
Implementing Security Guard Services in Schools

June 5, 2015 By Condor’s Team

One of Condor’s private school clients recently published an article in their school newspaper which contained an interview with the school’s Executive Director on implementing a security guard.

Following is a summary of the article:

Up until recently, our school had an “open door” policy.  Anyone who felt like walking in was able to do just that.

Although it was easier for parents who needed to drop off lunches for their children, it was noted that this might not be the optimal level of school security.

About three months ago, things changed.  Special locks were installed on every door, and a security guard was hired to look out over the school

Willy School Security Guard 450X373 1

The first question that comes to mind is: why now? In the more than 60 years of the school’s existence, never once was a security guard permanently hired.

The Executive Director explained some of the thinking behind the changes in security.

“We want to make sure everybody is in a safe environment. Because of some recent incidents internationally, the school has decided to make the grounds safer. It is important for us to have security guard personnel who make sure everybody is safe and protected. The students and parents are worth the cost.”

The Executive Director said the school chose Condor Security because they have a good training program and they have experience with schools. It was further explained that it was important to have a guard who is able to deal with the many students and the schedule of parents coming and going.

He explained that the main purpose of a security guard is not to use force. “We don’t think the guard is going to protect us from every situation. The guard services as a deterrent for anybody that’s going to come through. The evidence shows that if a person who is up to no good sees the security guard, he is more like to go elsewhere.”

The Executive Director said, “it’s important to understand that the security guard can’t take care of all the security needs by himself. Security really has to be everybody together. Everyone – students, parents, and teachers – have to be aware and alert to see if there’s any suspicious activity


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